Around Lake Superior in Five Quotes

Around Lake Superior in Five Quotes

By: Our ShoresMicroplastics Adventure Scientists Our Shores: Ultrarun for the Love of the Lake was a self-supported ultrarunning expedition undertaken by Allissa Stutte, Evan Flom and Andy Butter. The trio took 86 days to run a total of 1,352 miles around Lake...
The Depth of our Plastic Problem: Microplastics Researcher Abby Barrows’ firsthand account from the Oceanic Society Expedition

The Depth of our Plastic Problem: Microplastics Researcher Abby Barrows’ firsthand account from the Oceanic Society Expedition

By Victoria Ortiz and Abby Barrows Abby at Bonto Village, Photo by Dianna Cohen ​The Oceanic Society Expedition recently spent 10 days traveling by boat from Bali to Komodo to explore the impact of plastic pollution in this region. They invited Adventure...