
Ancient discoveries on the prairie: The crew found an arrowhead on one of their transects. They were told by a visiting archeologist that you can see that the arrowhead was broken on the top by way of a hit. The stone it was made from had been etched—its white patina features and smooth surfaces tells us that the arrowhead has been sitting for hundreds of years. (Photo by Nika Slade)

Tiger Salamander, found in the backyard of the American Prairie Reserve. Rainy days keep the crew off the roads and out of the mud…but its the perfect opportunity to find these “water dogs” wandering out from their burrows to the wet ground above. (Photo by Nika Slade)

Dove vs. Hawk: The Landmark crew took some time out to fly a kite on the prairie, sending rodents and small birds fleeing as the shadow of the “hawk” wheeled overhead. (Photo by Wesley Gush)
Photo by Peter Detwiler | Audio by Dove Henry

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