
A few weeks ago, ASC’s Executive Director Gregg Treinish was honored by receiving a letter and a blue marble from Jacob Almengor, a fifth grader from Munsey Elementary School in Bakersfield, California.

“I wish I could be out there with you really doing things,” Jacob wrote. “I’m trying to do my part to help by learning about plastics, the power of recycling, the effects of trash in the oceans, and how to conserve water in my own home, with my own family. I know I’m just one person, but I can make a difference.” 

“The blue marble is a way to say ‘thank you’ for what you are doing… Maybe if we all work together our world will be a better place.”

Jacob’s words strengthen our belief in the ASC value of optimism, and our belief that people are inherently good. Click “Read More to see the full letter.”

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