Wild and Scenic Rivers (Oct 21 - February 22) Volunteer Experience Survey

Wild and Scenic Rivers (Oct 21 - February 22) Volunteer Experience Survey

Thank you for volunteering your time and effort to Adventure Scientists' Wild and Scenic Rivers Project! We appreciate everything you have contributed to this important research. These surveys help improve our project management, so we welcome your feedback! 

We estimate that this survey will take you 30 minutes or less. The questions in Section 1 (Volunteer Contributions) are required for our reporting systems. All other questions are optional. Everyone who completes a survey will receive a small thank-you gift of Adventure Scientists products. 

You are welcome to submit an anonymous response to the survey. If you want a prize pack while being anonymous, send us a email to let us know you've completed the survey and we'll enter you in the drawing.

Volunteer Contributions

Background Education

Project Impact

Review the engagement pyramid below to answer the first two questions. Each of the sections of the pyramid can be defined by the following: 

Leading: Focus on motivating others. Examples: serving on a board, leading a volunteer event, recruiting donors, etc.

Owning: Ongoing, collaborative action with a high level of investment with time, money, etc. The issue area is a source of passion. Examples: Writing a blog about your experience, give a presentation, deeper level of volunteer involvement. 

Contributing: Multi-step actions with some level of investment. Examples: Repeat volunteering, attends multiple events, makes a large donation.

Endorsing: Single-step or straightforward actions with low risk/investment. Examples: shares information, volunteers once, makes a one-time donation, etc.  

Agreeing to view or interact with content. Examples: subscribing to newsletters, following social media, etc.

Interested in the cause. Aware of the conservation issues and learning more. Examples: attending an event, visiting a website, etc.
Engagement Pyramid

Conservation Actions

Training, Technology, and Protocols

Volunteer Experience

Moving Forward

The following questions are optional. We ask that you share information on your personal demographics and your experience volunteering with us, to help us move toward our goal of centering equity, inclusion, and justice in our work at Adventure Scientists. We want to be sure we're reaching diverse volunteers, identifying opportunities for improvement, and strengthening inclusive practices at our organization. Responses to the questions below will not be connected to identifying information (your name or contact information).

Swag Give-Away!

Congrats! Thanks for filling out your volunteer experience survey! To express our appreciation, we'd like to send you an Adventure Scientists t-shirt and enter you into a prize drawing from our corporate sponsors.